Apr 21, 2022

Alligator cracking occurs when the subsurface of the pavement is not strong enough to support the weight of the traffic above. Several factors can cause it, including poor drainage, inadequate foundation, or simply too much traffic.

Alligator cracking typically appears as diagonal cracks that radiate outward from a central point. It can quickly lead to potholes and other forms of pavement failure.

It’s crucial to address alligator cracking as soon as it is noticed.

This blog post by Power Surge Plus LLC discusses why alligator cracking happens, how to prevent it, and how to repair it if it has already occurred.

Why Does Alligator Cracking Happen During The spring Specifically?

There are several reasons for this, but the most likely cause is the changes in temperature and moisture levels. The warmer temperatures and higher humidity levels of spring provide the perfect conditions for forming cracks. In addition, spring is when roads see the heaviest traffic as people take advantage of the good weather to travel.

The thawing process, also known as thaw weakening, starts in early spring when temperatures rise, and the snow melts. The base course might be weakened because of a severe spring thaw, similar to inadequate drainage, causing fatigue cracking. Also, the weight of vehicles on the roads can cause additional cracking. So if you live in an area prone to alligator cracking, be extra careful when driving during this time of year!

Of course, this is not to say that alligator cracking can never happen in other seasons.

How To Prevent Alligator Cracking From Happening In Your Driveway Or Parking Lot?

Over time, the surface can become uneven and cracked, creating a hazard for pedestrians and vehicles. Alligator cracking occurs when the surface layer of asphalt is damaged, leaving the underlying layers exposed. 

The best way to prevent alligator cracking is to have the surface regularly professionally seal coated. This will help fill in cracks and prevent new ones from forming. In addition, seal coating will protect the surface from the sun’s UV rays and other weather damage. So, seal coating is essential for keeping your driveway or parking lot in good condition.

Repairing Or Replacing An Asphalt Driveway

Most asphalt driveways and parking lots will experience some cracking over time. This cracking is not typically a structural issue. It can be unsightly and cause water to pool on the asphalt surface. 

There are a few different solutions for repairing or replacing an asphalt driveway or parking lot that has been affected by alligator cracking. 

  • Fill the cracks with a sealant or patching material. 
  • Another option is to remove the damaged section of asphalt and replace it with new asphalt. 
  • Finally, if the entire surface is cracked, it may be necessary to remove it.

Power Surge Plus LLC serving Cherry Hill, NJ, provides asphalt repair and patchwork. We provide crack sealing, crack filling, pothole repair, and infrared repair. Get your free quote now!